Enter the Doc Ford World
Just as Randy’s novels are inspired by these islands, his days on the water, and the people he came to know, the Doc Ford themed sports bars and Cuba expeditions were inspired by the marine biologist who is the main character of those novels.
Doc Ford is the baseball-loving, tropical adventurer who - not so surprisingly - has spent a lot of time in the same far flung countries that Randy wrote about when he was a monthly columnist — places such as Cuba, Cambodia, South Africa, Australia, Vietnam, Borneo, and all over South and Central America. It was while traveling for Outside and other magazines he came to know and love the superb cuisine and landscapes of the rural tropics.
Favorite Doc Ford Quotes
Welcome to doc Ford Country
Here’s a postcard that might help with orientation. If you’ve read a book or two, you’ll recognize some of the islands in the mangrove maze that makes the West Coast of Florida so interesting. People have lived here since the time of the Maya. They built towering ceremonial mounds of shell that still exist. Natural history, archaeology are ongoing themes in Doc’s world.
Doc Ford’s Rum Bar and Grilles
Just as my novels are inspired by these islands, my days on the water, and the people I came to know, the spirit of this fine sports bar was inspired by the marine biologist who is the main character of those novels.
Doc Ford is the baseball-loving, tropical adventurer who - not so surprisingly - has spent a lot of time in the same far flung countries that I wrote about when I was monthly columnist for places such as Cuba, Cambodia, South Africa, Australia, Vietnam, Borneo, and all over South and Central America. It was while traveling for Outside and other magazines I came to know and love the superb cuisine of the rural tropics.
Doc Ford’s Cuba Expeditions
Doc Ford’s Cuba Expeditions trains and employs only the best and most knowledgeable support staff on the island. Each and every one of the Cuban staff members has formal university education and have made careers in other areas of the State or private sector. Our principal team in Cuba-includes a lawyer, a museum curator and historian, a formally trained guide, and a UNESCO architect.
Our expeditions introduce you to Cuba including the surrounding areas of Havana from Cojimar to Viñales. You will meet real Cuban living icons and learn about Cuban history and culture.
Favorite Doc Ford Quotes Continued
“Survival Spanish”
Your uncle's hotel sounds very nice, but I have reservations at the Holiday Inn.
El hotel de su tio debe de ser muy lindo, pero tengo reservacions en el Holiday Inn.
I would like your least expensive room.
Quisiera su habitacion menos cara.
I would like a better room.
Quisiera una habitacion mejor.
I would like any room not damaged by the recent earthquake.
Quisiera cualquier habitacion que no sufrio danos en el temblor reciente.
The local women do WHAT to cause fermentation?
Las mujures aqui hacen QUE para causar la fermentacion?
I don't question your abilities, but I am already married.
No dudo sus habilidades, pero estoy botin.
My friend is drunk and I am lost.
Mi amigo esta borracho y estoy perdido.
My friend is lost and I am drunk.
Mi amigo esta perdido y estoy borracho.
My apologies. I thought you asked me to dance.
Disculpeme. Pense que me invito a bailar.
Have I broken a law?
He violado un ley?
May I offer you the gift of money?
Puedo ofrecerle un regalito de dinero?
Did I say twenty dollars? I meant fifty.
Dije veinte dolares? Queria decir CINCUENTA!
You can have our women, but leave the plane tickets.
Pueden llevarse a nuestras majeres, pero dejen nuestros boletos de avion.”
(emphasis added)

Don’t miss the newest release in the Doc Ford Series!
New York Times Best Selling Author Presents
One Deadly Eye
Available in-store and online!
From New York Times bestselling author Randy Wayne White, after the deadliest hurricane to hit Florida’s Gulf Coast in a century, Doc Ford must stop a gang of thieves – and worse – during the twelve hours of chaos that follow the passing of a storm’s eye.